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TOP APP Audit 2023
For the first time ever, we’ve introduced two brand new levels of app performance measurement: user experience and behavioral economics. Combined with our existing functional performance now enriched with cost reduction measurement, TOP APP Audit now provides a comprehensive, three-tier approach to optimizing your app’s performance.
TOP APP Rating
One-off mobile app rating improvement based on strategies fully both legal and ethical compliant, and analyzes of reasons for user dissatisfaction, weekly internal reports and solution workshops.
TOP APP Award is an independent award for the best mobile apps in the Czech Republic and Slovakia providing a unique feedback to companies and their clients on the quality of mobile apps.
Digital Design
Digital Design delivered in one week, including specification and goals, world best practice deep dive delivery, process description and sketch design.
Other products – Digital
- Mobile app design and benchmarkinge – 18x implemented
- Digital process designs – Acquisition, Usage, Engagement, Profitability – 8x
- App rating strategies – 7x
- Sales funnel performance improvement – 15x
- Behavioral economics application in sales – 16x
- Sales tools design – 11x
- Sales training B2B – 4x
- Digital bank strategy – 3x
Pricing page Redesign
Redesign of both physical and online pricing list resulting in improved conversion and higher selling price based on the principles of behavioral economics.
Pricing Audit
Benchmarking of pricing capabilities compared to the best practice on market, identification of main opportunities for increasing revenues without complex IT implementation.
Price Increase
Proposition to price, product and communication adjustments resulting in revenue increase while minimizing customer loss.
Online Pricing training
The best of pricing in the video format including practical tips and tools that you can download and use for your own business.
Other products – Pricing
- Revenue increase by price optimization – 52x implemented
- Pricing training B2B, B2C – 53x
- Pricing strategy – 16x
- Pricing leakage mitigation – 4x
- Inovation workshops – 17x (incl. 450 participants from 7 countries)
- Idea management solution (Ingrid app) – 11 clients/3 000 users
- Product portfolio design – 8x
- Design of customer journeys – 2x
Our clients
Our values
Contact – Byzkids, s.r.o.
K Zeleným domkům 803/65
Praha 4 – Kunratice, 148 00
Phone: +420 721 952 924